SG update 1

started work on this guitar last night. the garage was HOT. i think it must have been like 35c in there. and humid as heck too. yuck!

the mess left behind in the garage was thankfully all guitar building mess. so although i should have cleaned up after myself, it works out because i need all the same mess for this build too 🙂

with just a bit of sanding 320 and then 800… this body is already feeling like glass. not sure if i just got lucky or if the unfinished bodies from solo are just higher quality wood, but i’m impressed.

grain is not too bad. the plan is to stain it cherry red. only one slight discoloration by the bridge. the seam between the different chunks of wood is also somewhat noticeable and nor exactly straight, but with all the hardware installed i’m hoping that won’t be too noticeable.

grain filling… gonna let it completely harden and then sand dry this time instead of what i did with the explorer when i wiped it down with a wet rag first before sanding. not sure which method will work better, but i wasn’t satisfied with the outcome of the explorer so we’ll see how this goes.

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