so tired

i’ve been getting these bouts of insomnia that just fuck everything up. last night i couldn’t sleep at all. eugh… felt like i had just smoked a whole pack of cigs at once, stomach turning, heart racing, cold, hot, and constantly needing to stretch and yawn. gross.

i gave up at about midnight and just plopped my ass down in front of the screen again. minutes turned into hours and then my alarm went off signaling the start of a new work day. great. a quick shower, 2 redbulls, and then to the office i went. looked and felt like shit. still do.

i guess on the plus side, i discovered a youtube channel i kinda like.

gentlemen of culture, i present to you night city

for real though, there is something about synthwave music that just feels so nice. especially when you just want to zone the fuck out.

i wonder if tonight i will crash hard or get a second wind? i’m hoping for the former.

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