a long, long time ago, when the internet was young, before tiktok, before instagram, before facebook, before myspace, even before livejournal, there were a handful of us who hand crafted our own websites which ran on computers we had in our own homes or apartments using barely serviceable home internet connections to share stories about our lives to whomever may stumble across them. honestly, at least for me, it was not really even to share with anyone, it was just somewhere to put something out there into the universe instead of leaving it stuck in my head.
recently i’ve been struggling. ok, maybe in hindsight it has been more than just “recently” and struggling is maybe too strong of a word? i don’t know. shut up. just let me do my thing. the last time i felt like this, blogging really helped me sort my thoughts out and enabled me to move forward. what is it they say about investing in stocks? something about past performance is absolutely indicative of future results? or maybe i have that backwards. either way, this is what i’m going to do now.
back then my blog was filled with angsty posts about how life is unfair and how love is so difficult. well guess what boys and girls? same shit different pile this time around! so buckle up! the show is about to begin!